Standardized assessments can be an excellent way to tune into skill, challenges and development areas for executives. They are helpful within a large company who wishes to develop a common language and understand of executive development across the many individual, teams and divisions of a company.
The best results come from whatever assessment will speak in the language and development orientation of the client, the company and the Organizational Development team.
Standard Assessments such as Meyers/Briggs (MBTI), Disc, Center for Creative Leadership Benchmarks, Birkman, HBDI, and others are employed.
Team Coaching International Team Assessment is often used to assess trends and development areas of existing teams.
At the executive level best results are achieved through one on one interviews with respondents at the supervisor, peer and direct report levels. A confidential written report that summarizes development areas using direct quotations when applicable are integrated. This report is shared directly with the executive who may then choose to share results with other stakeholders is desired.
In addition to standardized leadership assessments from various excellent 3rd Party Vendors, I employ a proprietary “Creative Leadership Assessment” that helps executives self identify essential development areas that do not usually appear on traditional leadership assessments. Samples of this assessment are available for review upon request.
Other Influences, references and methodologies:
Patrick Lencioni – “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.” I’m particularly influenced by Lencioni’s writing and thinking around vulnerability based leadership and how executive team level accountability cannot be maintained in a team that does not feel safe enough to disagree face to face.
Mary Beth O’Neil – “Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart.” Mary Beth O’Neil’s work brings a level of deep trust and connection to the executive boardroom.
James Bolt – “Three Dimensional Leadership” and “Strategic Executive Development: The Five Essential Investments.”